Smile Forever......

.....It Will Help you to Be Different.....

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Just Smile Forever..........

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Don't Wear Fear........

Don't Wear Fear...!!!!!!!!
Be Different to manage your Fear..................

“Success has a simple formula, do your best, and people may like it…” Successful people embrace change. They understand that everything around them changes, all of the time and they adapt accordingly. Although change can be exciting, it can also be fearful and a bit overwhelming. When change happens you have two choices: Accept it or resist it. The choice is yours. What is stopping you to become successful?
If you chose to resist change, you most likely have done so because of fear. Fear can be an immobilizing emotion and if not managed correctly, can rob you of many opportunities and from creating and enjoying an abundant life. There is an acronym for F.E.A.R - False Evidence Appearing Real. We create false evidence in our minds to justify our decision not to move forward. We also become so overwhelmed with fear, that we lose focus and lose sight of what is really important to us and this single factor, can keep us in our current situations and living our lives in its current state. If you want to overcome your fear, here are some final words of wisdom and tips that have worked:
ü Everyone Fears Something.
Nobody is invincible. Everyone has encountered fear at one time or another, even the most successful people in the world so you are not alone and can get through it as many before you have.
ü Take Small Steps.
Break down your action into smaller actions that you build upon. For example, if you are scheduled to give a presentation to a large group but are fearful, try talking with smaller groups. If you are trying to exercise, try walking around the block. You do not have to run that marathon right now if you are afraid, but you do need to look for continual improvement and take action towards your goal.
ü  Don’t worry Nobody is paying attention to you.
So many times, we fear embarrassment or not being accepted by others. In the top ten fears of humans, Public Speaking holds the number 1 spot, while death holds number 5. Meaning, people would rather end their life rather than not be accepted by a group. The truth is, nobody is paying attention to you and you need to be confident in who you are and worry less about what other people think.
ü  Stay positive, motivated and focused.
One of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal is a healthy mind. Remind yourself each day why you want to achieve your goals, what positive changes will come to your life and remain on target. You must never lose sight of your target and where you want to go and more importantly, the why.
ü  Accept Failure as Part of Change.
Things do not always go our way. We will fail. It is not the failure that we should be focused on but what we learned from that failure so we do not repeat again. By changing your mindset to look at failure as an opportunity to grow and to learn, you will create the behaviors to support taking the next action to move you closer to your goal.
ü  Live in the Moment Attitude.
“Follow no one but learn from everyone…” Focus your energy in the moment. Do not dwell in the past or constantly dream about the future. You have a life going on your relationships, your career, everything. Appreciate what you have and focus on making the changes you need to right now in this moment!
ü  Allow Change to happen.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over the same way expecting different results. The only way you and your life are going to change is to let change happen. Transform, be free and embrace every opportunity as a positive experience.
ü  Do what makes you happy!
“ You rarely succeed at anything, unless you have fun doing it.”  For your goals to work, they must be personal and you must have an emotional connection to the result. You own your own life so do what makes you happy. Not what you think others want from you. If the people in your life truly love you, they will support you in decisions and I guarantee you they want you to be happy.

If you chose to accept change, you have to get rid of fear and you are in for the ride of your lifetime! Your life is going to change and since you are in complete control of your choices, you life will be all you desire. Best Luck… Smile Forever….Be Different.......


Monday, April 12, 2010

Want To Speak Out.........Try this.........Be Different....................
If you find that you're afraid of an approaching presentation, you are not by yourself. The fear of speaking in public is among the greatest fears for most people, but you can do something about it.

You hear again and again that practice makes perfect, and this also applies to speaking in public. Any kind of presentation, even when you talk to a group of friends and family, can make you feel like you are giving a formal presentation.

Here are a few actions to take to alleviate your fear of speaking in public:

1. Be prepared. In most speeches you can bring notes. Make certain you prepare your notes into a list of several key speaking points. If you are not able to use notes, make it a point to practice your presentation until you feel comfortable with the entire speech. You could be afraid, but being well prepared to give your speech can unquestionably counter this feeling and give you an edge of confidence.

2. Do not expect it to be perfect. It's essential not to expect perfectionism. As a matter of fact, chances are your audience does not expect it either. They understand that everyone has fears and everyone mistakes. They'll probably never notice if you skip a part of your presentation or fumble a bit, these are all normal human traits of nervousness and are to be expected.

3. Present to small groups. If you feel awkward talking to a large group, and most people do, then begin small. Present to small groups and invite feedback after the presentation. You can distribute a confidential evaluation, or you can simply ask audience what they thought about your presentation.

4. Have a alternative plan. It's wise to have a alternative plan in life and giving presentations is no exception. Think about what you should say if you get stuck in the middle of the presentation. If your mind goes blank, take a couple of deep breaths and begin your alternative plan. Usually you'll quickly find yourself right back on track.

5. Relax. It's crucial to get yourself into the right mind-set before you begin speaking. Consider beginning a ritual that relaxes you to keep your mind away from your fears. You could meditate or listen to calm music, whatever it is, just choose that helps you relax.

The Audience

The audience is the reason that you are afraid of making your presentation, but it helps to know that they are on your side. They are really rooting for you. Be confident and keep a positive mental attitude because chances are excellent that the audience wants you to do well in your presentation.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that even if you do mess up, it's not all doom and gloom. As long as you have prepared yourself and have a back up plan in place, you will be able to pick yourself up if you slip up anywhere in your presentation.

After your speech, take mental and physical notes and review how well you feel the presentation went. Write down your observations on what you did well as well as areas that need improvement.

As you continue to practice your presentation skills, you'll improve your skills and become more comfortable.....Smile Forever....Be Different.................


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Find all about your Previous Exam Papers with suggested answers of ICWA Exam on following address.....

Be Different ..........


Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 Exam Tips For Be Different......

Hummm......Wondering how to appear Professional exam....????????? Just check out following 10 Fundas for Professional Exam That Will Make A Difference........

1) First and foremost , make your answers look professional . Give a impression of what you are to write while answering the question . Communicate your knowledge of 6 months or more studies to the examiner in three hours.

2) Listen carefully what is requirement of question and your answer. To write down whole story about question is not needed.

3) Do not write filler sentences i.e. sentences Just to fill the page . Concentrate on the quality and not on the quantity what you write . Filler sentences do not fetch any marks .

4)Write down formulas, facts or other materials you know.

5)Make sure that your answers are represented by correct question numbers. Some students are known to make drastic mistakes in this regard.

6)The easiest strategy, is to start with the question with which you are most comfortable . This will give a sense of confidence . It will make a good first impression on the paper checker . Make sure that you get the best mark in it.

7)If you are stuck up in the middle of the answer due to temporary memory lapse, leave appropriate space blank and go on to the next question from the beginning of the next page . If during attempting next question or questions you remember some point relating to previous question, add the same to the previous question .

8)Write as much as possible on each question .Remembering that you will get marks only for what you write and not for what is in your head .

9)Keep an eye on the time allocated for each question. Write as clearly as possible , but without reducing your speed . All that is required in the answer is that it should be legible .

10)If you finish the paper early, use the time to edit your work . Also check that you have answered all the questions by circling the tick marks made by you in the question paper .

Best Luck....Smile Forever........


"Try to forget useless things, to remember everything is to make your mind a dustbin......"

" Anyone can get angry; that is easy....but to angry with right person,to the right degree,at the right time , for the right purpose and in the right way........THAT IS NOT EASY......."


Friday, March 26, 2010

Coming Soon.......Don't Wear Fear.....

Be Different.........

“Success has a simple formula, do your best, and people may like it…”
